Let us help.
Basic needs are real needs, including getting enough food to eat, safe and sustainable housing, access to mental health services, childcare, or supplies to complete course assignments. Let's discuss the support you may need today, tomorrow, or next week. Reach out to Scott Robertson, Assistant Dean of Students (sdrobertson@mail.wvu.edu) to set up a time to meet.
There is no university without YOU - Bear Necessities can't wait to help you soon.
I need to make a request What resources are available?
Do you know someone who needs help? Let us know.
If you know of a student who is hungry and/or in between meals, please email TechStudentLife@mail.wvu.edu. We will work the student to help them find items in the pantry. Additionally, students will have access to personal hygiene items, including feminine hygiene items, at no cost. We will also connect students to resources available through our community partners for resources we are not able to address their needs with on-campus resources.Email to make a referral
Do you want to help? We'd love your support.
Combating food insecurity and period poverty is a community effort and we are blessed to have strong community partners. If you or your organization is interested in purchasing items for the pantry, please register using our Donation Form. We will contact organizations in order of registration with a list of items needed for the pantry and to schedule delivery.Please be mindful of expiration dates and packaging as we will not distribute out of date or damaged items to students.
I want to help